Regarding performance, reliability and handshake quality just ask our customers.
Our references show that we offer cross-industry solutions. They also show that we have no fear of contact with new industries and how flexibly and dynamically we deal with our tasks and projects. If you are interested in details, please contact us. We will also be happy to provide you with the name of the contact person on the customer side: This will give you a quick and easy overview of our method and, above all, of the team.

“Actinium Consulting is a key pillar for us because they have already learned our organizational structures and are able to empathize with us! They are involved in all important business intelligence projects from the beginning.”
Michael Heinzle
ALPLA Werke Alwin Lehner GmbH & Co KG
branch: Packaging manufacturer
project: Establishment of a group-wide data warehouse for reporting, data analysis and budgeting.
solution: actbudget, acteasy, actanalyse
implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

Mediengruppe Pressedruck
branch: Media and publishers
project: Simplification and standardization of budgeting and reporting processes. Replacing planning in MS Excel.
Increase in data quality and transparency. Automation in the integration of accounting.
solution: act4media, actbudget
implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“Reliable and
precise organization and
evaluation of data results
in valuable information that
helps to ensure that, for example, parts
and other resources can be optimally
Andreas Seitz-Böna
Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co KG
branch: Process engineering
project: Establishment of an integrated data warehouse. Simplification and standardization of budgeting and reporting processes. Replacement of planning in MS Excel.
Implementation: actbudget, acteasy, actanalyse
Umsetzung: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“It was the right decision to carry out the development
together with actinium.”
Johann Graber
Falkensteiner Michaeler Tourism Group
branch: Tourism
project: Establishment of an integrated data warehouse. Integrated financial and investment planning with derived operational planning on a daily basis.
Integration of BMD, Hogatex, RZL and Caesar with master data management.
Analysis and reporting for hotel and marketing down to guest level.
solution: actbudget, acteasy, acthotel
Implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“We wanted a
standard technology that would make
data retrieval faster from the
hand – the approach of
Actinium sounded promising
and ultimately
convinced us.”
Andreas Barmettler, Controlling Manager
Mediengruppe Allgäuer Zeitung
branch: Media& publishing
project: Simplification and standardization of budgeting and reporting processes. Replacing planning in MS Excel.
solution: act4media
Implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“We wanted to cover the MES aspect
‘visualization’. In
plant engineering, the data
for reporting is not provided by
machines, but
by people.”
Hubert Pesendorfer
Promot Automation GmbH
branch: Industry
project: Establishment of an integrated data warehouse. Integration of multiple data sources and BMD.
Increase of data quality and standardization of reporting.
Order analysis and project progress control.
solution: acteasy, actanalyse
implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“Everything that was really important to us
has also improved. In
technology, we benefit from
increased performance,
availability, reliability
– and thus a low
maintenance frequency – as well as
reduced costs.”
Peter Nowottny
Ravensburger Buchverlag
branch: Publisher
project: Establishment of an integrated data warehouse. Replacement of MS Access and MS Excel in the area of sales reporting and planning. Integration of ERP and master data management (Data Quality).
Lösung: acteasy, actanalyse
Umsetzung: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for analysis and reporting with Longview.

“The systems are for the most part
self-explanatory. And if we
do have to deal with technical
difficulties, the support from Actinium
always helps us very quickly – even
deep into the evening hours.”
Hubert Greber
Rhomberg Gruppe
branch: Construction company
project: Establishment of an integrated data warehouse. Integrated planning and reporting at management level and at site level.
Integration of AS/400 in the area of actual figures.
Integration of new companies and expansion of data warehouse.
solution: acteasy, actbudget, actanalyse
Implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend for budgeting and reporting with Longview.

“We notice this especially in the Society and Social Affairs department. The employees there are greatly relieved because they no longer have to laboriously gather all the data.”
Florian Huchler
Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government
branch: Öffentliche Verwaltung
project: Building an integrated data warehouse for a wide variety of departments such as social services, statistics, etc. with a wide variety of data sources.
Solution: acteasy, actanalyse
Implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, front-end for analysis and reporting with Delta Master and Tableau.

“Digitizing processes makes it easier to organize our projects and employees.”
Arnold Mangold
Mangold Bau
branch: Construction Company
project: Hours recording and resource management
solution: acttools
Implementation: Data warehouse with MS SQL Server, frontend with Longview

“Actinium developed a web application for us that digitizes our production steps, which are explained with pen and paper. In doing so, an enormous relief of the manual workload is achieved for our company.”
Peter Waldmann, Gerhard Schmid
Caritas – CarlaTex
branch: social services
project: Digitalisierung der Altkleidersortierung
solution: actdata, actscout
implementation: MVC .NET Framework web application and MS SQL Server Database

“Actinium helped me with the selection of a new POS software. Thanks to Actinium, I can offer my customers the service they want with a clear conscience. The flexibility of the staff is unparalleled. Thank you for the great support!”
Florian Batz, managing director
branch: Einzelhandel & Tauchschule
project: Help with the selection and set-up of a new POS system as well as development of a web application for data collection from customers and programming of a website
solution: actdigital
Implementation: Cash register system for retail, web application, website